“Shopping is a woman thing. It’s a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase”
-Erma Bombeck
Mix in Prada hand clutches, Manolo Blahnik Satin pump shoes, Valentino silk pencil skirts, and anything vintage… and a woman will smile. Add “On Sale!” to that sentence and a woman’s in heaven.
With the beginning of every season come new wardrobes, new inspirations, and new reasons to move last season’s items to the back of the closet. So the thought of passing up your favorite store sales is simply unheard of.
No one can resist the temptation of shopping during the period of sales and the effect is often influential. Regardless if you are a certified shopaholic, a designated shopper, or just in need of some retail therapy, sales will make women march into a sales war.
A serious shopper isn’t over worried about looking the part on the day of sale. You dress as com

For example, it’s not unusual to hear stories when two people reach for the same item. “But you see I wanted to buy this for my daughter who’s leaving for college. I know she’d really like this” Or my personal favorite “My grandmother who is really sick loves these kinds of earrings. I’d really like to buy them for her”.
Women will be guilty of many things, like following someone around who has the last piece of clothing that they want in hope that she may decide not to buy it and put it down. Now there’s nothing wrong in fighting for the items you truly want. But if I spotted it, if I reached for it, if I’m looking at it – don’t ask “are you gonna get that?” Chances are I might not want it at all, but the thought of someone else taking what I might be considering mine, will make me take it.

Many women will also be guilty of impulse buying. Sales provide women with the legitimate reason to get the clothes and accessories they want, even if they have no real use for it. Otherwise, they can always keep it for an occasion to arise and wear it. That’s why we shop out of season, or for people who aren’t even present.
Another proven fact is that a woman might not know the percentage of a lot of things. But ask a woman to take off a percentage of any item that’s on sale and even the most unknowledgeable of women can come up with the total within

Anyone who believes women are not good competitors has obviously not been to a store when a cashier opens another checkout line. Women will push, shove, and dash. Watching women fight over 25% off shoes – ha! That’s a child’s game. Try making your way through 50-75% off department prices. Nobel Prices should be handed then.
Yes, you will run into smart shoppers, tactful shoppers, shop in pairs or even group shoppers after all… if all is fair in love and war… well all is fair in love for fashion!