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Showing posts from October, 2008

The sister hood of the traveling Häagen-Dazs

It is with time that you learn that it’s the friends that listen to you complain when you call at two in the morning, because your thinking about how much you hate him, the friends that are willing to sit through your “memory box” of old letters, gifts, and pictures and cry with you, and the friends that sit through a conversation you’ve had 10 thousand different times before and not complain that matter. So there we were in the middle of what seemed to be a tradition now. My closest girlfriends and I together, at my house, after one of them had suffered a recent heartbreak. That’s what we did when one of us was in need of serious wallowing. We surroundeded ourselves by our remedies of heartbreak. Chips, chocolate, pizza, champagne, lemon and pickles. And of course assorted pints of Häagen-Dazs, And we talked and talked till there were no more words to say. Or till the pain was overpowered by laughter or serious heartburn. And then we watched a movie. A good classic movie that reminds ...

boxing away yesterday

There it was their whole story down to one box. A box full of pictures, CDs, memories, and gifts. When she was done gathering all the things that belonged to yesterday she thought long and hard about what she was to do with it. When a relationship ends it’s a ritual to remove all things that remind you of him/her. Many people frantically gather their things and or even burn them. They bring down the pictures, remove all the gifts, fold away all the memories, like if by removing all the physical objects they could do away with yesterday. But does it really make a difference if you have that box hidden under your bed, collecting dust, or it being far away at a landfill, becoming dust? Can you really throw away yesterday by simply removing all the things that remind you of it? Or do we kid ourselves by thinking its easier to forget this way – after all… isn’t healing a process? She didn't want to forget, put it past her, like it never happened. She'd rather not pretend that song ...

Yesterday's ending

They say that when you truly care about someone you have to be willing to let them go. Allow them to find their happiness even if it means losing them forever. ****** It’s never the right time to say goodbye. But it’s time to end the story. Sign it and place it on the shelf- her friend said. They were eating lunch and talking about an inevitable ending. Can you ever take it out to read it again?- she said sarcastically No, never mind you should burn it- she said. And they laughed as her heart sank deeper and deeper. ****** When you’re young you think you have an idea of exactly what love is supposed to be. It isn’t till long after that you realize just how much more complicated it all is. But still we all march in blindly willing to take the risk. No one knows the outcome. You can’t. You just have to hope that the love you have for each other is enough to overcome it all. Still sometimes, all the love in the world, all the most wishful thinking, and all the ink of a pen cant rewrit...

In the name of fashion

“Shopping is a woman thing. It’s a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase” -Erma Bombeck Mix in Prada hand clutches, Manolo Blahnik Satin pump shoes, Valentino silk pencil skirts, and anything vintage… and a woman will smile. Add “On Sale!” to that sentence and a woman’s in heaven. With the beginning of every season come new wardrobes, new inspirations, and new reasons to move last season’s items to the back of the closet. So the thought of passing up your favorite store sales is simply unheard of. No one can resist the temptation of shopping during the period of sales and the effect is often influential. Regardless if you are a certified shopaholic, a designated shopper, or just in need of some retail therapy, sales will make women march into a sales war. A serious shopper isn’t over worried about looking the part on the day of sale. You dress as com fortably as possible realiz...

endings to no beginnings

The following piece was requested: What began as an unforgettable weekend soon turned into a reality check. It is true that once in a while we find a person who we think is everything we want. But it’s also true that just because that person is everything you’ve ever wanted that that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be a perfect match. He arrived around noon on Friday. When she went to pick him up from the airport her day dreamer side was excited to see him. She looked at him, he looked at her. And it was a friendly connection. He was charming, and amusing. Everything she thought he would be. There was no denying it. She felt like she’d known him for years. She didn’t have to pretend to be someone else. She felt comfortable and at ease around him. To her it seemed to all be going well. Until the night before he left. They were sitting under the starlight night immersed in conversation when she asked him if he’d enjoyed himself. He said yes and that it was really good to see her. He said ...