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Showing posts from 2012

The way we were

I think Barbara Streisand said it best. “Memories may be beautiful and yet what’s too painful to remember we simply choose to forget. So it’s the laughter we will remember, whenever we remember… the way we were” I’m sure that’s the way I’d like my autobiography to be written like. Or anyone else’s. Just the good times. The scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind . But if it were so, then wouldn’t big chunks of our plots be missing, making it impossible to just understand why anyone could ever be just happy? In truth, how can you recognize happiness if you’ve never cringed with sorrow? My life comes in volumes. Some I’d sell to Hollywood, some awfully wretched, but nevertheless never, ever, uneventful. My friend and I have this discussion often. I say that everything happens for a reason. She says “Some things should just never happen, they should be completely avoided.” And sure, I’m a sap for a happy ending. But what is an ending without the tale? Last weekend, whi...

A forever kind of love

It was mid day Sunday when we went over to visit a friend at a Geriatrics center. We sat most of the time discussing what to do about this Friends health. And explaining to his son, who had come down to visit from up north, the critical issue of this friend’s relocation. See he’s in his mid 80’s now and often forgets taking his medication. He now needs care 24hrs a day. But all our good intentions are now short of the care that his family can give him. As my father discussed this with his son, I sat next to this dear old man and the love of his life. She’d lean in to talk to him since he’s hard at hearing. And he’d look at her intently with the sweetest sadness in his eyes. There was warmth in the way they spoke to each other. And their love radiated in the way they’d smile at one another. The decision to uproot him from his home was a hard one. And we all knew it. He’d live next door to the love of his life for 25 years. They never married and to anyone else it seemed lik...

Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories

“Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories” (An Affair to Remember)   It was the first day of winter today. The first day in November a chill filled the air. So cold you bypass the shadows and head straight for the sunlight paths. But it was there among the cold I walked alone. I was running errands and getting swept away by the Monday Blues. I made it to my car finally and got in as quickly as possible. I burred loudly as an alert flashed the screen on my phone. I looked down and realized my calendar was alerting me of birthdays and such. I scrolled down and I saw his name. I found it strange that I still held this information after so many years. Even more surprised when I realized it was in some way comforting. And in that car alone, on the first day of winter, with a chill in the air… I felt warmth. I was only 15 when I met him. I was Cinderella at the ball when I met him, and he was the prince who found my lost slipper. I remember it well. I was...

Go buy it!

My book is now available in all formats. For paperback and hardcover go to Have an iPad, iBook app, or Nook tablet? Search for "Too many Words, Not enough ink" by Miriam Soltero So no excuses. Go buy!

Finding your niche

“… I just did it. I moved away. I bought a one way ticket and I moved to Hawaii!!!” – he said through the line. Farther and farther as the words trailed off. I was far northern, still in the same country but an ocean and a couple states away. “You’re quite brave. Everyone romanticizes with the idea of moving away, but you actually did it. I’m quite happy for you”. I said reassuringly. I admired his sense of valiancy. To be able to let go of the weight and the burden of the past, to take action and do something about his future. To move on. But it hadn’t come easy. You see he’d been through a lot. Times that tested his faith, his strength, his maturity, his wisdom, all of him. A little bruised, and a little humbled, at a crossroad he chose to move ahead. A past that had anchored him for years had maybe made him lose his sense of direction a bit. But he knew it now, and that’s what mattered.   A long conversation later, with many motivational words exchanged I promise...

Big news


                I fought with the napkin dispenser as I waited for my order to be ready. He must have seen me struggling and came up behind me. He pushed the napkin holder and with a swift of his hand he took out a stack of them.                 “Here” he said. With my back still to him I felt my heart sink. I recognized that voice. It took only one word. But I knew it well. And when I turned around and the scent of his cologne caught my nose I was embraced by the past.                 “Hey you”. I acted surprised, he didn’t know how good I’d gotten at lying.                 “Hey Miriam, how have you been?” he said.           ...

Book on Sale Now!

Book now on Sale on Lulu. Hey guys! It's official the book is out today on Lulu on paperback editon only. For the time being it will be sold only there. I will announce as soon as it becomes available through amazon and E-book download format through major online-retailers. Thank you so much for the support and share this link with as many of your friends as possible. Thank you for reading, and thank you for buying!!! With love, Mimi Soltero For book preview click Here!

No two good things happen in one day

‘No two good things happen in one day’. I read that once, or someone told me those words. The truth is I can’t remember it. But my mother told them to me this afternoon and they struck me like déjà vu. I’d been here before. This place was familiar. My path always led me here, no matter how many times the territory seemed hopeful and different, it was always this ending. I’ve never been one to believe in luck. To be frank I don’t think it exists. But if it did I’d take the cake on horrible hardship luck. From wretched events that leave you with battle scars, to the silliest of happenings that leave you exasperated. Like a flat tire, or leaving your key inside the car, or rain without an umbrella. That was my life. Sure, it gave for some good stories, and I’ve laughed at myself more than anyone should be allowed. And I’m a mock of jokes to my friends because of my clumsy ways. But everything in small doses can be taken. Like that horrible pink, grapey syrup your mom gave you when ...

About the book

I'm so happy to announce the book in the making is almost done. I have 3 more stories to do and it's off to the printing press!!! Ahhh!! So excited. Thank you guys for hanging in there. There will be plenty of new stories. And some of your old favorites. I will give further details as soon as they are available. With lots of love and anticipation, Miriam Soltero

If love was like a traffic light

It was a dark and warm night miles away from home. We sat up in bed, fighting the sheep jumping our beds summoning us to sleep, talking the night away as girls tend to do when clustered together. “I wish falling in love was like traffic lights, so then I would know if I should go for it, slow down or just stop.” My friend says exasperated. My other friend nods her head emphatically. And I laugh with skepticism. “So what you guys want is a fail-proof system to know who is worth keeping and who isn’t?” “YES!!!” they both said at the same time. “Well though it would make it so much easier to move through the world if we could pick and choose what connections to make or any at all. That’s just simply not realistic. Love will always be a risk, because people are always a risk, so therefore relationships are all risks” “Let me dream Miriam. Just let me dream that it wasn’t so darn hard!” she said as she threw a pillow my way. And thus began a long conversation about th...

Here's to happy endings

“It didn’t make you noble to step away from something that wasn’t working; even if you thought you were the reason for the malfunction. Especially then. It just made you a quitter. Because if you were the problem, chances were you could also be the solution. The only way to find out was to take another shot.” – Sarah Dessen “Maybe letting someone go is the best chance you have for them to come back?” He asked me. I know what he wanted me to say. To give him a sure answer that she would come back. That it was that simple. I’d always been that person for him, the one who reassured him against all odds. But in that moment every cynical bone in my body wanted to speak out and say: “Love is a load of crap, Run.” It’s funny how altering a personality can be after a series of failed relationships. But instead I looked at him intently; I bit my lip, as I do in deep thought. He’d recently come to the realization that the person he loved most in this world was the same person h...

Looking for love in all the wrong places

The following story is dedicated to a dear friend who never gave up the fight and found love was waiting for him only an Ocean away...   “Maybe I’m attracted to drama” he says sarcastically. “More like drama is attracted to you.” I reply jokingly. And we sit and talk on the phone for hours about how he finds himself in the same predicament always. He’s the type that falls in love with someone with a lot of insecurities. The type of girl who is too young to know what she wants and needs and often tries to flee from his hands. This is his type and the reason why, though a charming, handsome, and successful man, can’t find someone to love Later that day I get to thinking about relationships and about those developed “types” that we all have. For as long as I can remember I’ve dated the tall dark and handsome type. With one exception. But those are looks. What I’m really getting at is the type of person you usually go for. Their traits, their personality. Which is yours? Do you al...

Friendships aren't like Facebook

We sat in a café talking away the spring afternoon. We were mid deep into a discussion about friendships. She told me her story. The one about her “Best friend” and how overnight they had a fall out and where now barely speaking. She told me of her many attempts to mend the friendship, and though no matter how much time had transpired how she didn’t give up hope that her friend would come around. “How can someone just do that? Don’t promises and vows mean anything anymore?” “If I’ve learned anything about friendships is that you can’t force someone to want to be your friend. You don’t control their heart. If they want out, they’ll find the lamest excuse to exit” “It really makes me sad that with the wave of hand someone can just give up on you, for no apparent reason at all.” “I think that’s one of those startling realities we face as we grow older. Best friends aren’t Forever. People will come and go. Some will hurt us. Some will use us. Some will simply let us down in ex...

Tragically human

It’s not every day you lose your heart. But it’s also not every day that you find yourself again. The following story is that of a beautiful soul who day by day gets stronger. Who with every turn of a page in her story finds peace and forgiveness. Whose learn that the love that matters most is the one that happens within herself. It’s a warm and sunny day. A rather strange phenomenon. An almost spring day right in the middle of winter. But this is Texas and the weather here changes every 10 minutes. I find myself with a dear friend talking away the morning. Sitting out on the patio of my favorite coffee shop, the bustling of the city is all around us. Doors opening and closing, people’s chatter, and cars on a nearby street are passing by. I smile and pick up a dandelion next to my feet. And look up to realize she’s all ready in tears. And her story begins to pour out of her. “Have you ever been in a room full of people, and still feel terribly lonely? I feel like that often, ...

Its the end of a decade... but the start of an age

“The hardest part about walking away from someone is no matter how slow you go… that someone will never run after you” – she sighed.    She fell in love for the very first time with a man who loved her dearly. But life, time, and struggles took a toll on what seemed to be a story fit for a fairy tale ending. They’re flame blew out, and their love collapsed. “Why Miriam!? How!? What did I do wrong!? Is this how it ends!? I feel like that Movie with Jennifer Aniston “The Break-up.” Where in the ending you are fooled into believing that their love will be enough to bring them together but instead the credits go up. You would think things would have happened differently!!!” She said in desperation as a tear runs down her face.   You would think things would happen differently! That an ending like that deserves to be rewritten. There are some endings that are difficult to understand and even cope with. But that’s the thing about life. Some things just are. And not a power...