“The hardest part about walking away from someone is no matter how slow you go… that someone will never run after you” – she sighed.
She fell in love for the very first time with a man who loved her dearly. But life, time, and struggles took a toll on what seemed to be a story fit for a fairy tale ending. They’re flame blew out, and their love collapsed.
“Why Miriam!? How!? What did I do wrong!? Is this how it ends!? I feel like that Movie with Jennifer Aniston “The Break-up.” Where in the ending you are fooled into believing that their love will be enough to bring them together but instead the credits go up. You would think things would have happened differently!!!” She said in desperation as a tear runs down her face.
You would think things would happen differently! That an ending like that deserves to be rewritten. There are some endings that are difficult to understand and even cope with. But that’s the thing about life. Some things just are. And not a power in the world or the most wishful thinking will change the outcome. And you could scream and shout “What?!? How?!? Why?!?” But there’s no use. Some endings just are. And there is no rewriting it, no sequel. Just credits rolling and the fading score of a familiar tune.
You could have all the components: A canvass like the Sistine Chapel , a brush in hand, and access to a variety of paint colors. Gosh you could even be Michelangelo and it still wouldn’t matter. IF the walls, your canvas, are deteriorating right in front of you, you can’t create a masterpiece. It doesn’t matter how many times you stroke your paint brush. All you’ll have is rubble. And who’s ever been famous for painting rubble?
I don’t know why relationships fail. They just do sometimes. All the love in the world, popular to contrary belief, is not enough to make things work with someone. You can love someone for all the right reasons and in a moment they can choose to walk away. Sometimes we hold on so tight it slips right through our hands. And it doesn’t matter how much you fight, how much you struggle, in the blink of an eye you can lose it all.
But what you must remember is that everything happens for a reason. Something good will come out of it. And the truth you can’t see right now, because you’re gaze is clouded with tears, is that it will. You’ll gain thicker skin, you’ll learn what you want and what you need, you’ll appreciate whatever follows. Reality can be startling. But take pride in your pain, you are stronger than those who have none.
As much as you try to script life, it will never pan out exactly the way you wrote it. Life can be unfair sometimes but that is not a reason to give up on it. One day someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else. And it doesn’t matter how dark the night. I promise you one thing, tomorrow, the sun will rise. And it might seem like the end of a decade... but really, its the start of an age...