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Epic tales...

Her name was Arjumand Banu Begum when she would catch the eye of young prince Khurram in a way that would shape an entire empire’s history for all eternity. His name would change to “Shah Jahan” when he became the Mughal Emperor in the year 1628, after the death of his father Emperor
Jahangir. The name “Shah Jahan” comes from Persian meaning “King of the World.” He called her Mumtaz Mahal, “jewel of the palace.”
A Jewel he would lose when she experienced an untimely death while giving birth to their 14th child. Heartbroken, the emperor employed over 20,000 workers and 1000 elephants for two decades in order to build a fitting monument to the depth of their love. The Monument that is now known as The Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan, the king of the world, would later be imprisoned by his own son, with his only view through the barred window of his prison being that of the great monument to his long lost wife. Till this day it stands as a symbol of eternal love.

Epic Love Stories. Now I know we would all like to believe that what we have is that strong, that immense, that powerful but I don’t think that it’s a word that applies to every relationship. For a love to be epic in a movie it has to be a wonderful, nothing by the book, every bit amazing kind of
story. Sort of like a summer love both passionate, and wild, crazy, and grand. Every bit of emotion is felt, every kiss sweeps you, and every word tugs at the heart.

The usual couple portrays two complete different souls who by chance or opportunity come together in the most unusual of ways and cannot part since the moment they connect. They live out an ardent love affair full of emotions, and fight, and great stride. Usually culminating rapidly. They are madly in love and they fight whomever, and whatever to remain together. They are so in love they act insane. They overcome obstacles, and sometimes opposition from those closest to them. They are often questioned because the love that they are living is life changing. Everything about them, the person they were, the person they are, and who they become is forever changed because there is this greater than life power who is now moving. True love is that powerful. It comes and sweeps in to our hearts, its scary and thrilling, its wild and crazy, its frustrating, intoxicating, complicated, truly unexpected, and breath taking. It changes us, it moves us, it completes us.

For a story to be and eternal symbol of love it isn’t necessary to build a monument. All that is needed is a great heart, an open heart. That believes, trusts, and takes chances. Love is a wild card. The emotions of an epic love story are a roller coaster. But the question is would you settle for getting by or would you rather love someone so much you are changed forever?
The best relationships I know today are of two souls that by anybody else’s opinion would not be paired off. But they somehow come together and they make a dynamic that is not only strong but also envious. Take my mom and dad for example. My dad is this never edited person who can be of many words but often not. He is aggressive and strong willed. While my mom is this passionate, sensitive being, who over talks my dad any day. And  yet they have this 34 year relationship thathas the best foundation I have ever seen. Because though complete opposites in character they are both passionate in ideals and crazy about each other and that makes for a great marriage.
At the end of the day Love isn’t only written. The best love stories are lived. And if you haven’t found your happy ending yet what is it you’re searching for? Someone to fill a space, or someone to give your all to?  

I don’t know about you but I don’t want just to change my last name. I want someone to adore. I want to be pushed to my limit and be brought back down to earth by the person who cares most about me. I want to love someone so much I’m willing to change, evolve. Because isn’t that what love is really about? Allowing someone else to take control of our heart and let them leave a mark? Wouldn’t you much rather have something passionate, and breath taking than something common and mechanical?
So where does your story stand? Is it everything you ever dreamed of? When you look beside you are you sure you’re where you belong?
I believe every story though short or long is meant to be told. The beginning and the ending are extra. The body of work is what you should worry about. Someone wise once said that the most important parts of a story are the in-between. “With out the part in between the ending is useless,
and the beginning happened for no reason… (I wont see or do everything in life, but I can have someone who is everything in my life.)”
My advice then is… instead of worrying about how beautifully it is written, worry about how amazingly it is lived.


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