A heart attack is when blood vessels that supply blood to the heart are blocked, preventing enough oxygen from getting to the heart. Classic symptoms include sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, sweating, and anxiety, along with fatigue. I had one at the age of 20. My heat
stopped. My breath stopped. My thoughts stopped. My life stopped. And the sound of the machine read a flat line. Doctors scurried and nurses swung instruments and in matter of minutes electricity shook my body till a jolt finally woke me. After I felt weak and faint. I don’t remember being able to stay conscious. The next few days were a blur, just visions of a few seconds when I’d open my eyes and see a different family member or friend near my bedside.
It was then I learned the truth in my grandmothers words Morir es facil. Vivir eso toma esfuerzo. Dying was easy, living was hard. Living takes guts, perseverance, strength, courage, and determination. You can’t possibly know where you’ll end up, you just know you have to get there somehow. But what if you’re life or love flat lines? What do you do then? Do you rush to the sight of doctors and nurses and hope to be resuscitated? Or do you let it sweep in, death, or giving up in this case? At the sight of a heart attack, if you’re given the option, what would you choose… life or death?
To know if you’ve suffered a heart attack most doctors rely on an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography, and or various blood tests. But when Love flat lines you don’t need a test to tell you that something inside you has died.
Sometimes love crashes in the most dramatic and heart wrenching of ways. Sometimes we hold on so tightly it slips right through our hands. And what do wishes on stars get us but empty space and lost words. The death of relationship isn’t just heart breaking. It’s heart stopping. It prevents oxygen or clear thoughts reaching the heart. Classic symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, anxiety, fatigue, and a river of tears. You don’t have to hear a long beep, you know you’re soul has died. Sometimes there’s just that much pain.
But what can you do? You can’t resuscitate yourself. It is then that we must learn to rely on 3 things. Jehovah, Our loved ones, and our inner strength. Because it takes pricking and prodding from others to remind you at times that you are still among the living. That life didn’t cease to end just because you can’t seem to reach consciousness. It will take a power bigger than ours to carry us through the cloudy, rainy days. Holy Spirit to make us roll out of bed when all you’ll want to do is lie there. And it will take a voice within to humble us so that we can learn to dust ourselves off and pick ourselves up again.
And no, it’s no easy. But sometimes you have to stop thinking about what you think you lost, and look forward to what there is to gain. Because as much as you’d like to you cant live the rest of your days strapped to a bed because you’re afraid to open your eyes and breathe again.
After a heart attack, you are left weak and breathless. Though revived, your whole body has to reboot. Restart. The flow of blood, your heart beat, your breath must normalize. And it’s a good amount of time before doctors and nurses stop prodding at you making sure you are still alive. When
you suffer that kind of blow its only natural that it will take time to recuperate. You’ve almost just died! But you must remember that what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger. It might feel like the end of your world but if you pray hard and you hold on tight eventually… your heart will beat again.