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The story of "us"

Once in a lifetime we meet someone who changes the taste of love for us forever…

They said goodbye the same way they met.

He asked her out to dance and she agreed. And in between the music and the beat of their heart their souls were intertwined. Within the laughter and the deep looks she locked her hands forever into his.

They spent the next couple of weeks getting to know each other and going on multiple dates. Every minute and every second was spent building something so beautiful and so rare.

Her soul was weary and her doubts were many. But he insisted. And as he took her hand in his. She just said “Please, please just don’t break my heart?” He smiled. Held her close and with a kiss they sealed a promise that they both believed. 
Life though had different plans for them. Months after they started dating she became ill. Almost lost her life multiple times.  She spent the next year in the hospital in complete and utter desperation. There was only so much medicine could do for her. And becoming that ill it was unsure if she’d make it through. The hurdles to overcome were many. The Finish line seemed unattainable.
But among all the sadness, and all the bitter desperation that came with her poor health, she kept a smile on her face. While doctors concentrated on keeping her body alive, she concentrated on keeping her spirits up. And inside the four walls of a sterile and cold room a love like no other blossomed.
A rare kind of deep connection between two souls that wanted nothing more than to be happy. A love so pure, and so intense matured rapidly. And among a torn and shattered world they found a way to make it through. He never left her side even when it became very hard to believe a future could exist. For her He was her best medicine. Maybe it was the way he looked at her, the way he always made her laugh, or the way he sat by her bed holding her hand for hours at a time. What they had created among those four walls seemed becoming of a fairy tale ending. For her He was her lifeline. And everyday he’d show up, even just to watch her sleep, they fell deeper and deeper in love.

He had of way changing what was an unbearable situation into a time of laughter and happiness. With his charisma and his attention he far out did any treatment she went through. And she held on, held on so tightly. She lost her soul to his ways and touch. He was for her, her one last chance, the Prince in shining armor who’d come to save her from the cruel reality she found herself in.

Recovery was long and very stressful. Physically she’d take one step forward and two steps back. But with time the hospital stays became less and less frequent. And she began to take hold of her life again. The problem with going through a war and coming out the other end alive is that it doesn’t change the fact that you are drained and worn out. After all the battling you can’t help but feel like you’ve been stretched very thin.
Maybe their love was only meant to coexist within those four walls of the hospital. Maybe it was something so rare and so precious that among the harsh truths of the real world they could not withstand.

In the end after many blows taken, their love had become so fragile it was difficult to continue to build upon a foundation that was deteriorating. And within time no matter how much She tried to hold it together it all unraveled right in front of them. And when the dust settled and they found themselves
standing in the rubble of what used to be their love, they stood at complete different ends. Distance and life had overpowered the love that once could take it all.

She loved him. Loved him so much it hurt. But something had been broken. The magic and the spell had come crashing down. And she found herself alone though he was right next to her.  

The decision to end the relationship was not an easy one. Because no one likes to admit defeat. But the harsh truth was that love cannot live off of yesterdays, it’s about believing in the future. And their faith at this point had become very fragile.

And just like that their story seemed to be cheated.  And though they never planned it they said goodbye the same way they met. Dancing the night away. After a hug and a kiss. The  curtain fell.  The credits rolled. And the fading score of a familiar tune put an end to a story that once was.


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