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Showing posts from February, 2012

Tragically human

It’s not every day you lose your heart. But it’s also not every day that you find yourself again. The following story is that of a beautiful soul who day by day gets stronger. Who with every turn of a page in her story finds peace and forgiveness. Whose learn that the love that matters most is the one that happens within herself. It’s a warm and sunny day. A rather strange phenomenon. An almost spring day right in the middle of winter. But this is Texas and the weather here changes every 10 minutes. I find myself with a dear friend talking away the morning. Sitting out on the patio of my favorite coffee shop, the bustling of the city is all around us. Doors opening and closing, people’s chatter, and cars on a nearby street are passing by. I smile and pick up a dandelion next to my feet. And look up to realize she’s all ready in tears. And her story begins to pour out of her. “Have you ever been in a room full of people, and still feel terribly lonely? I feel like that often, ...

Its the end of a decade... but the start of an age

“The hardest part about walking away from someone is no matter how slow you go… that someone will never run after you” – she sighed.    She fell in love for the very first time with a man who loved her dearly. But life, time, and struggles took a toll on what seemed to be a story fit for a fairy tale ending. They’re flame blew out, and their love collapsed. “Why Miriam!? How!? What did I do wrong!? Is this how it ends!? I feel like that Movie with Jennifer Aniston “The Break-up.” Where in the ending you are fooled into believing that their love will be enough to bring them together but instead the credits go up. You would think things would have happened differently!!!” She said in desperation as a tear runs down her face.   You would think things would happen differently! That an ending like that deserves to be rewritten. There are some endings that are difficult to understand and even cope with. But that’s the thing about life. Some things just are. And not a power...