Deep in the city of mines lived a small, frail woman. She was a widow and had a son to look after. So nevertheless expenses were limited to the very bare-necessities. Every coin left in her purse always went to grant the child any bit of happiness, any bit of joy. And though as poor as could be, this woman was a strong woman, a confidant woman, a very hard working older woman. I loved everything about her. She was my favorite service partner. Partially because she always carried a bag of cookies with her. But mostly because you couldn't help but fall in love with her. Even her shoes. I was always amazed that for such a very tight budget she always managed to wear a pair of shoes to match her outfit. I was. Well, till she told me. See she didn't own hundreds of pairs of shoes. She didn't even own 10, or 5, or 2 pairs. She owned only but one pair. Every morning when she dressed she made sure to be tidy and clean, and that everything she wore matched perfectly... Even her shoes. So she'd take to the multicolored shoe shine kit she had. And depending on what color was her outfit, the color she would take out and paint her one pair of shoes. But there she'd be every morning freshly pressed and color coded every day, ready to go out in field service. Many years later we're a country away and she still remains a zealous servant of Jehovah. She's a wonderful woman who taught me my first lesson in shoes... If the shoe fits... buy it in every color.
I think of that lesson today. I wrote a piece years ago on the analogy between men and shoes. And I think back to it now. Of how many pairs of shoes we go through in life. How many aren't a perfect fit. How many just disappoint. And then I think about the One pair. The one that finds us. Fits us perfectly. Looks stunningly. And delights the heart warmly.
We've all had a pair. The one we wear over and over till the poor sole goes out. Or till we are smart enough to recognize it as a staple and that it should always belong in our closet. So we go search for it time and time again every time we near the shoe department. It's just the ideal shoe. The thought of re-buying the same exact style has never crossed our minds till now. Before that it seemed like a "fashion don't". It takes many years and many fashion moments for us to appreciate the staple of certain classics in a wardrobe. Like the quintessential pair of shoes.
Which gets me thinking... Cinderella's life changed with just one pair. Who's to say your's won't as well? When it finally happens, when you meet that one guy, the one relationship that fits absolutely perfect. Appreciate it! Take care of it! Never discard it! It's not just a pair of shoes. It's THE pair of shoes. The ones that you will never regret buying, wearing, or strutting in.
Because if the shoe fits. If you glide with every step you take, if it heightens you to new horizons, if it balances you in all the terrains of life... then you might as well treasure it, be grateful for it, or just in case... Buy it in every color.
I think of that lesson today. I wrote a piece years ago on the analogy between men and shoes. And I think back to it now. Of how many pairs of shoes we go through in life. How many aren't a perfect fit. How many just disappoint. And then I think about the One pair. The one that finds us. Fits us perfectly. Looks stunningly. And delights the heart warmly.
We've all had a pair. The one we wear over and over till the poor sole goes out. Or till we are smart enough to recognize it as a staple and that it should always belong in our closet. So we go search for it time and time again every time we near the shoe department. It's just the ideal shoe. The thought of re-buying the same exact style has never crossed our minds till now. Before that it seemed like a "fashion don't". It takes many years and many fashion moments for us to appreciate the staple of certain classics in a wardrobe. Like the quintessential pair of shoes.
Which gets me thinking... Cinderella's life changed with just one pair. Who's to say your's won't as well? When it finally happens, when you meet that one guy, the one relationship that fits absolutely perfect. Appreciate it! Take care of it! Never discard it! It's not just a pair of shoes. It's THE pair of shoes. The ones that you will never regret buying, wearing, or strutting in.
Because if the shoe fits. If you glide with every step you take, if it heightens you to new horizons, if it balances you in all the terrains of life... then you might as well treasure it, be grateful for it, or just in case... Buy it in every color.