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if you must believe...believe in love

After a lifetime of searching what every girl really wants is to ride off into the sunset in the arms of the man she loves. Love is a series of fairy tales all wrapped into one. But how you write your’s is entirely up to you.

Sleeping Beauty literally bleeds when touching the end of a spindle. Though long protected by those around her doom is eminent. So on a tower she waits in deep sleep for true loves first kiss, with out knowledge of the war waging for her outside. Philip has to battle an army of villains, followed by a dangerous road, and challenge a larger than life dragon before he ever gets to see his maiden. And when he does they both know they are exactly where they belong. And it gets me thinking how sometimes life hands us terrible plots where our heart literally bleeds and our lives are crushed. After certain blows most of us wish there was a tower we could lie in and hide in. And never have to see the world and know of its heartbreak. But then if we live life in hiding, what stories are there to tell, what life was there to live? Aren’t the most rewarding happy endings those we that didn’t come easy, those you had to fight for to achieve? The truth is this story is why every girl dreams of a guy that will go above and beyond to conquer her heart. Someone who will not just sit still but who will climb the highest mountain just to make her see that she is everything to him. And what must a girl sacrifice in return – time. A girl must sit and wait. Because it won’t happen over night and I promise you it won’t be easy. Maybe you have to fall into deep sleep for years till finally there is one who decides to wake you up with true love’s first kiss. But in that moment, like Aurora, you will know that the prince you danced with once upon a dream was always worth waiting for.

Snow White a naïve soul with an innocent heart sings convinced that someday her prince will come. She goes on merrily with her life with out care never quite prepared for the events that transpired next. And she finds herself easily lost in an unraveling ending. Sometimes we too are so naïve that we never see the old fragile witch, who hides behind an easy trap, who comes at us only to steal our happiness away. And once you’re in too deep where the loss of everything is imminent do you lose hope and faith and believe that all is lost? Does your heart grow cold and do you become so bitter and cynical that you give up on love completely? We can surround ourselves with the best version of seven little men that come in the form of girlfriends who will do anything to get us through heart wrenching times. But what good is someone else’s faith if we are the one’s who don’t believe? Maybe our poisoned apple comes in the form of our own insecurities. Because once the dust has cleared was it not us that built the 100 ft tall walls that fence us in and not let us take leaps of faith. What if you get handed life in the form of a poisoned apple will you just plummet into the black hole forever?  My point is bad things will happen, people will hurt you, happiness can be lost… but hope should always live on. Because like Snow White, we too, among all things must believe that someday our prince
will come.

Jasmine and Aladdin met under incredible circumstance. And when asked on a magic carpet ride Jasmine still asks if it’s safe. Aladdin reassures her and asks of her to trust him. And she does. And together they discover a whole new world. The decision to make someone an official part of your life is a risk. Love is the greatest risk you’ll ever take. After all we don’t know the journey that lies ahead. But if it weren’t for the leaps of faith that we take we would never be able to see the wonders of the world. We all ask for our hearts not to be broken, for our souls not to be hurt, for our hands to be held, and our love to be cherished. So at times we must brace ourselves, close our eyes, and just jump in and let life surprise us. The ride on a magic carpet ride might be thrilling, and frightening all at the same time, you might loop and twist in ways you never thought possible but if you just hold tight you might just discover a whole new world of your own.

Ariel and Eric are among the odd couples of the fairy tales. A little Mermaid falls in love with a human. Two people from different worlds. Who by anyone’s standards could never be in love. And yet she finds a way to make the unimaginable happen. And as a girl, she stands before him hoping that he will love her just the same. That he will see that all she wants is to be a part of his world. And isn’t that what we all want, someone who will love us for us? Every quirk and every trait that makes us stands apart. So for those “Erick’s” of the world that are too shy, like Sebastian, my advice is go ahead and Kiss the girl or you’re gonna miss the girl. Because not every girl who has everything under the sea, will be willing to do everything and anything to be a part of your world.

Cinderella spends her nights lost in a dream. A wish her heart makes. But her days she spends covered in dust and chores. Her reality is that startling. Surrounded by mean step sisters, and a mean old step mother she is robbed of her happiness. In dreams you will lose your heartache. In life you will lose yourself if you don’t believe and have hope in love. And when the day came for her to find her wishes coming true they ripped apart her dress, shred the sleeves, and tore the necklace off her neck. She found herself covered in distress and in tears when her fairy god mother appeared. And she was reassured that with a little bit of magic she too could have a happy ending. Now, I wish I
could tell you the same will happen to you. That with magic and a little bit of hope your pumpkin will turn into a carriage. That your rags will turn into a breathtaking gown. And that those flip flops on your feet will become glass slippers. But the truth is things don’t happen effortlessly. We have to find our own wand and make our own magic happen. We can’t sit and just cry, we have to get up, brace ourselves and make the fairy tale come true. But for that to happen you have to believe that love is worth the fight. That like Cinderella sang: No matter how your heart is breathing, if you keep on believing… that dream that you wished will come true. 

Beauty and the Beast. Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. Belle dreams of a world far from her own, something rare but worth searching for. And the Beast waits in a castle for the spell to break, for a star to fall, for someone to love. And with the twists and turns of their stories, their paths cross, and their hearts are intertwined. And the beauty that lies within is the one that makes their love shine. So maybe there isn’t a prince who waits in an enchanted castle for you. But we are usually blind to that sort of magic. We search desperately for the other half that completes us sometimes never realizing that they were there all the time just waiting to be found. When Belle thinks all they had is lost, she finally says I love you. And he transform into his true self. But what about you? Do you too, wait too long to say what you really feel? People seldom say I love you and when they do it’s too late or love goes. And then what is it you have left? We all search for love frantically like it’s a complicated puzzle waiting to be solved. And we obscure what could be purely simple. But the most beautiful and rare love could lie right in front of you and you cease to believe in it just because you’re vision is blurred. What you’ve been longing for could be written in BIG BLOCK LETTERS in front of you but you might miss it because you still want things to be clearer. And what if you get to the end of the story and in the blink of an eye that person is gone? Then what? Sometimes we just have to close our eyes, and open our heart. And let love find its way to you. And when it has don’t resist it, don’t fight it. Just believe in it. Because as certain as the sun rising in the east love is as true as it can be. 

The best thing about being the author of your life is that you get to write your story. But like I’ve said before we write in pen. The choices you make in life won’t always bring you a happy ending every time. Fairy tales do exist, because love does exist, but so does hardship, and life, and break ups. Realistically speaking no one in this system lives happily ever after. There are challenges, there are problems, and there is tribulation along the way. But if we don’t believe in love whether it be because we’ve been hurt or it has yet to knock on our door, then what is it you believe in? Truth is Love isn’t easy but it’s the only thing in life worth fighting for. So hold on tight and don’t let go. Treasure that person in your life who loves you among all things. That person who truly believes in you, who sees you shining even in the dark. Who lives and breathes to make you happy even if at times they fail. Who wears their heart on their sleeve for you sometimes not being able to edit themselves. Who is willing to go above and beyond to prove their love to you tripping over obstacles. Cherish that. Treasure that. Value that. Because not everyone has that. Some people wait their whole lives for what you may let slip away. So please, go find your happy ending...


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