After a lifetime of searching what every girl really wants is to ride off into the sunset in the arms of the man she loves. Love is a series of fairy tales all wrapped into one. But how you write your’s is entirely up to you. Sleeping Beauty literally bleeds when touching the end of a spindle. Though long protected by those around her doom is eminent. So on a tower she waits in deep sleep for true loves first kiss , with out knowledge of the war waging for her outside. Philip has to battle an army of villains, followed by a dangerous road, and challenge a larger than life dragon before he ever gets to see his maiden. And when he does they both know they are exactly where they belong. And it gets me thinking how sometimes life hands us terrible plots where our heart literally bleeds and our lives are crushed. After certain blows most of us wish there was a tower we could lie in and hide in. And never have to see the world and know of its heartbreak. But then if we live life in hiding,...
I do not intend to know everything about life. I simply write of what I've experienced and felt. So enjoy reading life as I know it....