Sitting a cross from each other on our way back home my best friend and I find ourselves immersed in conversation:
"I wish you could shop for men like you do shoes online or the perfect dress" My friend says looking up from a magazine.
I laughed. "Even better. Narrowing down the search by category, color, size, and style."
"And price!" she added.
"Accompanied by a Disclaimer and the Return Policy"
Sometimes we search for love the way we do clothes in a catalogue. We go on
a quest to find the perfect guy who measures up to everything we want. We all
want that perfect breathless fit. But it is in the search that we are often misled.
We misread instructions, mistake the shape and colors, and find that what we
ordered isn’t at all what we wanted to end up with. On paper anyone is a sweet
talker and Prince Charming. But looks can be deceiving. Behind that wonderful
face can be a heart that doesn’t know how to love. So we set certain standards
and when they aren’t met we are disappointed, left with an unwanted item,
searching frantically for the receipt.
After a long and complicated return policy, after a break up, we reset and
restart. Somehow always sure that if we just turn the page he will
turn up. But what if you get to the last page with out finding someone to
love? Do you expand your search to another site, another catalogue, or do you
wait for next month’s issue?
“What do you want in a man? What are you looking for?” My friend asks me. I
sigh, “I just want someone who is honest. I don’t want someone who is perfect. I
want someone who keeps their promises and their word. I don’t need the moon and
the stars. I need hugs and kisses. No games, no pride, just kindness and
loyalty and love. Pure unconditional love."
She thinks about it for a second and then says: “Yes that’s perfect…. You
know how people say there’s always a perfect person out there for everyone; well
I seriously think mine is hiding from me!” She tells me jokingly. And I laugh. “Yes,
well, stop searching for Prince Charming or a guy to wake you from a deep
sleeve, instead love the one that loves you for being you.”
It is said that love is the hardest habit to break and the craving most
difficult to satisfy. And maybe that’s true. But it’s also true that sometimes
all you need is a broken heart to realize that something even better, in front
of your eyes is just waiting to be found.
In the end we all have the option of returning or discarding unwanted items.
But even if that’s the case, we must not give up our hope and faith in love. Turn
that dead end street into a turning point. That love gone wrong into a lesson.
That shattered dream into a memory. And that same old love song into
inspiration. Follow your heart and take chances, because you just never know
how absolutely perfect something can turn out to be.