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Showing posts from June, 2009

Learning to dance in the rain

I love the sound of rain… maybe not accompanied by thunder and lightning. But nonetheless I love the sound of rain. When I was younger to get through really bad storms I let my imagination wonder. I seriously believed lightning was Jehovah taking pictures, thunder was Jehovah dancing, and rain, during sunlight, was Jehovah’s happy tears. It sounds silly now. But it was those thoughts that got me through some really scary storms. Long ago I had a habit of running out into the rain. Yes, there was once a time that I didn’t care if my new satin pump stilettos would get mud, that my straight hair would go wavy and frizzy. Or that I might get sick, or ruin dry clean clothes. Then again I was 5, make up or the way I looked wasn’t a priority and I’m pretty sure nothing happens to leather patented Mary Jane shoes. My mom would have a fit, like any mother would. But if I was at my grandmothers, she’d go right out with me. She embraced every crazy idea of mine. Have you ever danced in the rain? ...

Route 66 to Ex-ville

Here is one of the many requests I have still to write about: We’ll remain friends. That’s the promise many of us make after a break up occurs. But only a few people really learn how to get there. I saw him at the party Did he say hi? Yes And then he proceeded to ignore me the rest of the night Well at least you got a hello When a relationship ends its hard to imagine yourself with out that person. Especially if you’ve been a half of someone for a very long time. So maybe that’s why we use that phrase. Friends. We’d rather settle for some type of human contact with that person, at that moment, than completely ripping them out of our lives. Now I’m not saying this always happens but in my experience … you don’t come close to remaining friends. Maybe acquaintances who acknowledge each other from time to time. "I just can’t. I know what I said, that we’d still be friends, but I can’t see her and be in the same room with her. It still hurts" I once left an ex in the middle of ...

So much to say but not enough ink

Note: This is for those who have flooded my private messages and inbox with “where are you, where are the blogs, and are you still alive?” Here I am. “Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” —Vaclav Havel (b. 1936), poet, playwright, 1st president of Czech Republic So much to say and not enough ink… By: Miriam Soltero I sit in the waiting room of the surgical team clinic for a follow up. To pass the time I grab the closest newspaper and proceed to remove every section except the editorials and obituaries. As I read about the legacy of people I can’t help but think how hard it must be to sum up the life story of a person in 200 words or less. Because you can talk about where they were born, about what they accomplished, and you can even speak about those left behind; but between the period and the next word there are stories untold. My fav...