The following short story is dedicated to a dear friend of mine who taught me that forever is the time you make infinite…
Goodbye. That’s the last thing he said to her. Goodbye. She hated goodbyes if you ask her what she needed… she’d say she needed more hellos. But all she got was a goodbye. A finale, a conclusion. The end. TAN-TAN. Like the notes at the end of a Mexican song that tell you to applaud. But after years of farewells, I’ll be seeing you’s, and until we meet again moments she’d learned there was no point in being picky about farewells. You were fortunate, more than blessed, if you got a goodbye at all.
Goodbye. That’s the last thing he said to her. Goodbye. She hated goodbyes if you ask her what she needed… she’d say she needed more hellos. But all she got was a goodbye. A finale, a conclusion. The end. TAN-TAN. Like the notes at the end of a Mexican song that tell you to applaud. But after years of farewells, I’ll be seeing you’s, and until we meet again moments she’d learned there was no point in being picky about farewells. You were fortunate, more than blessed, if you got a goodbye at all.
He was leaving to a place where she could not follow. Where phones, and computers didn’t exist, only memories and old photographs.
After they said goodbye she got in her car, and just drove. She felt like driving, hitting the open road, never looking back and never getting anywhere. So she just drove, as she bit her lip trying to hold back the tears. She was
facing the sunset. And as she did she wondered if the longer she drove in that direction she could find some comfort in chasing the sun. After all, she needed a sun rise not a sunset. So she drove as the wind blew whispering words and memories that brought tears. Because our memories are capable of spanning the miles and in seconds we are there again. In that moment. With that person. At exactly the moment when we realized just how much we cared about them.

She could still hear him say “I’ll always love you. Forever.”
“But…” she said hesitating.
“Forever isn’t infinite time but the time you make infinite. Forever is what we make it. For tonight let’s make forever count.” He interrupted. She wanted to believe in forever so that night they made forever count.
“But…” she said hesitating.
“Forever isn’t infinite time but the time you make infinite. Forever is what we make it. For tonight let’s make forever count.” He interrupted. She wanted to believe in forever so that night they made forever count.
His words echoed in her head but she just drove. Off into the horizon where the sun meets the earth. Where dreams, and wishes never die. Where “always” lives on forever…
Maybe it’s true after all. Life, love, happiness is what you make it. For any of us our Forever could end in one hour, or 100 years from now. You can never know for sure, so we better make every second count.
What you have to decide is… If your forever was ending tomorrow, would this be how you’d want to have spent it?
What you have to decide is… If your forever was ending tomorrow, would this be how you’d want to have spent it?