"What seems to be the problem?"
I looked at him and just stared. And in that moment remembered a memory of long ago.
I was 5 and I was behind a house, nearby my grandmothers. But before me stood this huge hole. To cross to the other side I had two choices 1) go across a run down, beaten piece of wood 2) or stay as close to the wall as possible hoping my feet wouldn't slip.
But maneuvour my way around it i must. So there i was 5, trying to get across that immence whole. And as my fear and anxiety grew the whole appeared to be bigger.
My brother and sister all ready across, my fear of falling or getting hurt would not allow me to do so. Instead i was frozen, unable to move or go on. And all i could do was feel myself shake with uncertainty.
"What seems to be the problem?" he asked again.
"A big hole" I said.
"What?" he looked at me startled.
I looked at him and smiled realizing that he was asking what was the problem with my tire. Being that i was at a tire shop. haha.
After a long day your mind tends to wonder!
