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Showing posts from May, 2008

Sacrifices, crossroads, and bittersweet decisions

When I was little, I had a pet hamster whose name was Bambi. He was dark brown and had big floppy ears. He was very adorable and my pride and glory. One summer my mom and dad had some friends come over. This family had a daughter with a couple issues among them mental retardation. She was a sweet girl and very easy to get along with--- until her eyes fell accross my priced possession. Bambi. She came often to play with it and fell as much in love with it as I was. After many visits, one night, my mom suggested her taking it home with her. I had begun to get lazy about taking care of it, and my mom thought she'd love it more. I remember looking at my mom with big bright eyes. There she was - giving away what belonged to me! At that moment the girl looks at me and says "Really Miriam? Can I keep him?" Her eyes were gleaming with hope and joy as she looked at me. And I knew then and there that it was the right thing to do. So I gathered up all of his belongings that day and ...

a big hole

"What seems to be the problem?" I looked at him and just stared. And in that moment remembered a memory of long ago. I was 5 and I was behind a house, nearby my grandmothers. But before me stood this huge hole. To cross to the other side I had two choices 1) go across a run down, beaten piece of wood 2) or stay as close to the wall as possible hoping my feet wouldn't slip. But maneuvour my way around it i must. So there i was 5, trying to get across that immence whole. And as my fear and anxiety grew the whole appeared to be bigger. My brother and sister all ready across, my fear of falling or getting hurt would not allow me to do so. Instead i was frozen, unable to move or go on. And all i could do was feel myself shake with uncertainty. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked again. "A big hole" I said. "What?" he looked at me startled. I looked at him and smiled realizing that he was asking what was the problem with my tire. Being that i ...

Wired for idiocy

"Are guys automatically wired to be stupid? Or do somewhere after 8 do they suddenly turn so?" When your little they pull your hair or stick gum in it... but that's as far as they can hurt you. As girls (of course before men do) we realize that cooties don't really exist and all of a sudden that extra attention isn't that bothersome. Crushes were innocent then. He'd sit across from you, give you his pencil after accidentally breaking yours. Share his pudding during lunch. Bring you a dandelion during recess. Let you cut in front of him while in line. *Sigh* those days had potential. But somewhere along the line they lose their innocence and their tactful ways. They forget what hearts are for. "Are guys automatically wired to be stupid?" My friend asks again. "Yes" I said. "I always dreamed love would be effortless" she said. At the sound of those words everyone began to laugh. Because with time you learn it isn't . And that ...