Actually published - April 17 2006
My grandmother was an avid watcher of Mexican soap operas. She truly believed that we (ourselves) were the authors of the telenovela (soap opera) in our life. And maybe its true, you know. Because i do agree that we write our own stories. I guess its just up to us to decide whether its a comedy or a tearjerker. But just like a soap opera, just when you think you know the ending, just when things seem to be fitting into place, there's new revelations, new twist, that change the whole story around. An event, a person that creates impact.
My grandmother was an avid watcher of Mexican soap operas. She truly believed that we (ourselves) were the authors of the telenovela (soap opera) in our life. And maybe its true, you know. Because i do agree that we write our own stories. I guess its just up to us to decide whether its a comedy or a tearjerker. But just like a soap opera, just when you think you know the ending, just when things seem to be fitting into place, there's new revelations, new twist, that change the whole story around. An event, a person that creates impact.