First published January 24 2008 Imperfections… we all pretend we don’t have them. And that the person who’s across us is full of them. Sadly our vision of what perfection is- is truly blurred. So why do we attempt so hard to cover our jagged edges? Why is it so easy to forgive and allow our own mistakes to be taken off the record but not those of others? And more importantly when did we cross the line to think that someone who makes mistakes couldn ’t possibly be human? I believe flaws are the edges of our being… with out them the puzzle, the person, wouldn ’t be complete. Our society is so out of touch. And us… those who should know better keep adding to the issue. But bury our mistakes and start fresh? That we cannot do because it is easier to judge that of what we know nothing about. Easier to mark something “defective”… than a work in progress.
I do not intend to know everything about life. I simply write of what I've experienced and felt. So enjoy reading life as I know it....