So it's official. "Life As I Know It" is officially coming to a close. Though "Life As I Know It" has been one of my most proud endeavors, it can no longer continue in its current format, it has run its course and purpose. We are, and will always be, eternally grateful to the more than 3,000 subscribers for the life they gave it. For venturing with us into many tales, and for allowing us to tell you many stories. We cannot say thank you enough to you, the readers, for making this blog what it is today. But don't fret I am very happy to inform you that though this is the end of an era, it is also the start of an age. "Life As I Know It" will continue to live on in our New Site . Though it won’t be the center feature, it will be a part of a more complete and wholesome site, a complete lifestyle blog and site, dedicated to the growing interests of our readers and subscribers. The content will include anything from fashion must-haves, to colu...
It’s my usual Sunday night, me rummaging through notes and notebooks, editing and writing. I stood up and went into my writing closet. Realizing that the binder I wanted was at the very top, I stood on a stool and yanked at the bottom of the stack. Swiftly it all came toppling over me, hitting me in the head in the process. Papers and folders scattered everywhere. I grunted. I began picking them up one by one when I ran across a manila folder gently titled “WEDDING” in block letters, with a red heart sticker following the word. I’d forgotten I was planning a wedding. I slid slowly to the floor till I was sitting and I began to go through its contents. There were lists of first dance songs and father/daughter songs; clippings of flower arrangements, swatches of fabrics, notebook entries of budgets, and location listings. There it all was. Very detailed and organized. All I ever dreamed of, all I thought I ever wanted. And on the last page, on the back cover of the folder, a pasted...