I sat at home flipping through a magazine when I received a text form a friend. I look at my phone to find it’s a picture of her and Superman announcing that they were now in a relationship. I laughed out loud. She’s so silly. “If it were only that easy” I replied “It should be” “Right” “Well maybe you can’t crop your way into someone’s heart. But can you crop someone out of your own?” And I knew where she was headed. Recently she’d suffered an ill fated love affair. The type that leaves you reeling because you gave so much more than you could afford to give. They’d had a whirlwind romance. The type that usually ends with a white dress and a reception where you vow eternal love for one another. But short from taking that step of asking her to marry him, he developed many doubts. Instead of working through those doubts, he decided he simply didn’t want to be in a relationship with her. She was left in shock. From night to day, he changed his mind, and she, well she had no...
I do not intend to know everything about life. I simply write of what I've experienced and felt. So enjoy reading life as I know it....