It was a dark and warm night miles away from home. We sat up in bed, fighting the sheep jumping our beds summoning us to sleep, talking the night away as girls tend to do when clustered together. “I wish falling in love was like traffic lights, so then I would know if I should go for it, slow down or just stop.” My friend says exasperated. My other friend nods her head emphatically. And I laugh with skepticism. “So what you guys want is a fail-proof system to know who is worth keeping and who isn’t?” “YES!!!” they both said at the same time. “Well though it would make it so much easier to move through the world if we could pick and choose what connections to make or any at all. That’s just simply not realistic. Love will always be a risk, because people are always a risk, so therefore relationships are all risks” “Let me dream Miriam. Just let me dream that it wasn’t so darn hard!” she said as she threw a pillow my way. And thus began a long conversation about th...
I do not intend to know everything about life. I simply write of what I've experienced and felt. So enjoy reading life as I know it....