“It didn’t make you noble to step away from something that wasn’t working; even if you thought you were the reason for the malfunction. Especially then. It just made you a quitter. Because if you were the problem, chances were you could also be the solution. The only way to find out was to take another shot.” – Sarah Dessen “Maybe letting someone go is the best chance you have for them to come back?” He asked me. I know what he wanted me to say. To give him a sure answer that she would come back. That it was that simple. I’d always been that person for him, the one who reassured him against all odds. But in that moment every cynical bone in my body wanted to speak out and say: “Love is a load of crap, Run.” It’s funny how altering a personality can be after a series of failed relationships. But instead I looked at him intently; I bit my lip, as I do in deep thought. He’d recently come to the realization that the person he loved most in this world was the same person h...
I do not intend to know everything about life. I simply write of what I've experienced and felt. So enjoy reading life as I know it....