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Showing posts from March, 2012

Friendships aren't like Facebook

We sat in a cafĂ© talking away the spring afternoon. We were mid deep into a discussion about friendships. She told me her story. The one about her “Best friend” and how overnight they had a fall out and where now barely speaking. She told me of her many attempts to mend the friendship, and though no matter how much time had transpired how she didn’t give up hope that her friend would come around. “How can someone just do that? Don’t promises and vows mean anything anymore?” “If I’ve learned anything about friendships is that you can’t force someone to want to be your friend. You don’t control their heart. If they want out, they’ll find the lamest excuse to exit” “It really makes me sad that with the wave of hand someone can just give up on you, for no apparent reason at all.” “I think that’s one of those startling realities we face as we grow older. Best friends aren’t Forever. People will come and go. Some will hurt us. Some will use us. Some will simply let us down in ex...