The following piece was requested in belief that among all things some virtues are worth fighting for. She sat there working on a vessel a few months ago and she needed a specific color of thread, but in her effort to get it out… all the threads got tangled together. Frustrated she sighs deeply and rolls her eyes. “Just what I need, more work.” She says out loud. Knowing that it was worth the work and both necessary she started the tedious work of untangling the threads one by one. It wasn’t easy to say the least. It required slowly taking apart what had intricately come together. And though at first she felt her time would be better spent doing something else… something told her to just sit there and keep at it. After all it was her mess to fix; no one else would do it for her. And though frustrated when there was no end in sight she took a few hours to pull them all apart. All the knots and the loops, all the ties and the bonds. And she got to thinking about honest virtues like f...
I do not intend to know everything about life. I simply write of what I've experienced and felt. So enjoy reading life as I know it....